
Cannes Young Creatives

Cannes Young Creative Competition | Australian Representative

23, in-between jobs and needed a writer partner to enter the Canne Young Creatives. In Australia, there’s a qualification round where a set brief is given and teams are given a week to complete the challenge.

The brief: Write an ad that would get you employed at Cannes because you’re Australian.

Our Solution: Like most teams, we went through the usual cliche’s about Australia, animals that kill you, animals that are weird, what if I had Chris Hemsworth’s abs(he was already working in Australia at the time on a terrible show called Home and Away) and ditched all that and landed on the strategy that Australian’s simply work bloody hard. They are tough as nails and if they get knocked down, they harden the fuck up and get it done. This insight was born out of a mostly undeveloped counrty for 65,000 years was turned into one of the leading first world nations in 200 years (I 100% support the recognition of indigenous Australians and the awful treatment of many Australian governments are adhorrent). So, what does a husband and wife team do that would dramatically show how hard they work to get the job done? He’d sell his wife for sex.

We went to the hooker district of Melbourne with a photographer mate, dressed in our finest trailor trash (or bogan as they are known in Australia) outfits and nailed it.

We were on the plane to Cannes one month later for a week of parties, exposure to great work and coisette sun, and the print competition agaisnt the best in the world. Alas we didn’t medal. We did however win crowd favourtite for turning 100 getty images making a building look like a woman’s vagina. If i find the image one day, i’ll add it here.

COPY: Australians do anything to get the job done.
Husband and wife team. www.hibberds.com
