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Dr Stretch - Stretch Your Limits

Dr. Stretch | Outdoor & Social Campaign | New York Festivals Silver

Dr. Stretch is a Japanese based company that provides professional body stretching techniques to increase recovery and maintenance of core strength. The task was to launch the franchise in Singapore at key retail malls with a very limited budget.

We knew consumers are apathetic to images of practitioners in massage poses. The visual vernacular of the clichéd massage table and relaxed consumer would send the wrong message. Dr. Stretch needed to be more medically focused. Unfortunately that raises a new challenge. Medical images are very dry and boring. It needed a twist.

We created an arresting campaign in a visually crowded retail market by physically creating muscular structures out of real rubber bands. A striking visual metaphor that instantly delivers on the product benefit of a medicinal practice that literally stretches your muscles to rubber band elasticity increasing performance.