
Mastercard - You are the face

ID Check | Social Campaign | Midas Gold x 2

In a 2016 poll, one in three Singaporeans had experienced credit card fraud. This leads to an apprehension to digital payments and credit card usage. To tackle this issue, we introduced Mastercard ID (identity check), software uses your own facial biometrics to authenticate purchases. To promote the technology we were tasked to engaged early adopters at FinTech. Problem is, most geeks aren’t interested in cyber security. We needed something that would appeal to their nerdy side and connect them directly with all the technical details they desire.

The response was overwhelming. Over the course of the event we directly engaged thousands of event participants and created over 400 individual customised illustrations and EDMs, giving each participant all the tech-related information they needed. Directly making tech influencers the face of a digital payment security campaign; Priceless.